Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 2: Why Do I Even Bother to Plan?

So, again today, I figured that I would do the Dining room table and desktop, but clearing the rechargeable batteries from the desk led me to Doug's side table, which is usually a disaster zone.


It's one of those tables with storage inside (I deemed it nightmare inducing and opted for no before picture.) 

Then too, behind the table are the stacks of miscellaneous quotes, brochures, old utility bills (2012), and the stray Christmas card (also 2012) all tucked in next to the new printer box which never got broken down for recycling.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks great. We had those same side tables when I was a kid, and I remember what an abyss the inside was for actually storing (and then subsequently finding and using) anything.
